Tuesday, December 06, 2005

New Banner by MC Chad Rock

I'm going to try and use it in the site template. Please stand by...

Update: Fuck! I have five pixels of padding on the left hand side I can't account for. Ohhh the pain! The pain!

Update II: It looks like the extra five pixels is not something I am going to be able to remove. If you'd like to update the banner to compensate for it, let me know Chad.


Pete said...

That rocks really hard!!!

Robert Martin said...

i like it

Don J. said...


Ryan said...

flying saucers are most bodacious.

also, the kitsch reference signs as a conciliatory grin to those that might perceive the activities spoken-of herein as being made by those feeling alienated in a post-post-modern world of uncertainty and deniability*. (There, there now. You're not crazy, the world's crazy.)
As the flying saucer implies, with a been-there-and-shot-it-with-my-deathray -twice 50's sci-fi swagger, though we may be aliens, "we are not the alienated [drones] you're looking for". We share a commonality in our contributions to "a space", namely this blog. Here we compile our data, network-out our interests on Art, online computer-gaming, Pac-Man Headgear, etc. This commonality takes issue with the "alienated" diatribe and in fact jettisons it a priori for an aggregate experience shared by its participatory members. Our name, motto, and saucer flying in the face of retro-50's sci-fi film noir work in tandem to proclaim our identity & intention.
We are:
(..who the hell are you?)
and we know where we're going:
(...where else?)

Onward... To Victory!
nice work, Chad-Roc!

Don J. said...

Is Ryan in a Beat poetry phase?

Ryan said...

nope, pbbt!