Monday, December 05, 2005

Dave Lee

hay guys u remember my friend Dave Lee, he makes art.


Pete said...

Yes, I've been checking in on Joe the Fighter's website every several months, since I was grouped into a mass e-mail with him and noticed he had a domain name. It's good stuff! It has a lot of the same merits as the first wave of British pop art, which I've posted on Astromen about.
And holy crap he has a lot of stuff up on his website now!

Robert Martin said...

lol did u see his show list.

Pete said...

I'll never be even a tenth as outgoing, even with extreme effort!

Don J. said...

I have been in contact off and on with Dave in cyberspace since he went back to Los Angeles and by all the tracks that he has left things are going quite well for him since his Fullerton adventure. I would be interested to get more details though as we have not had any in depth discourse.

Pete said...

May I point out that Dave is fully elagible to be an Astroman as he helped to defeat Arsoto.