Thursday, August 18, 2005

Greetings from City of Heroes

Battled any giant octopus lately?


Pete said...

Holy ma-roley, you're expected to fight that? I didn't realize how big it was until I noticed the tiny people in the mid-ground on the level below your character.

Mr. Alex said...

[Kirk voice] Purple! Hue! Too! Strong! Must! Find! Color! Correction! [/Kirk voice]

Chad said...

You have to gather 30+ heroes to fight it one tentacle at a time. Then you go for its head.

Purple is fun!

Don J. said...

As you may know I dream of becoming a super-villain with GIANT EVIL ROBOTS (as my super powers are not manifesting rapidly enough). I am doing a survey. What kind of super powers do you have so that I might install appropriate defense systems?