This gentleman (no, not the underage drinker to the left) searches file sharing networks for inadvertently available personal photography. Check it out.
Edit: Hmm, looks like there's also a print magazine (how quaint) devoted to this topic called FOUND. Their website has some cool-cool images. Also, it looks like they're on a promo tour to pimp a XXX version of their mag. OH-MY!
Man, it looks like they have more than just pictures! Wow, just wow. Remember Astromen: NO USING OTHER PEOPLE'S PIPES!!
1 comment:
These photos are really psychologically intense because nearly every one of them is taken from a personal rather than a public distance.
The street photographers of the 60s, like Henri Cartier-Bresson, Robert Frank and Gary Winogrand, really exploited the photographing of strangers at a personal distance.
Maybe, with the decades long communications boom, the street has bled into the livingrooms and bedrooms of everyone.
Could the "eyes of the internet" be considered a form of suburban pollution?
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