Monday, February 13, 2006

Lets get Tan Yall

"The blast wave travels more slowly than the heat flash. Several seconds may pass after you have seen the light or felt the heat before the blast wave reaches you, depending on the distance you are from the explosion. It is like the time between seeing the flash of lightning and hearing the sound of thunder. For example, at ten miles from the centre of an explosion, it would take about 35 seconds for the blast wave to reach you. If caught in the open during a nuclear explosion, this time can be used to find some protection from the blast wave.
You might be injured by being thrown about by the blast; therefore, keep low. The greatest danger is from flying glass, bricks and other debris. The blast from a 5-megaton explosion could injure people as far away as 15 miles."


Pete said...

Ever read Bradbury's "Martian Chronicles"?

Dave, just a formatting point. Put excerpts from other places in quotes. Also denote them with a blockquote HTML tag. It'll help us to distinguish between excerpt and commentary.

Don J. said...

Now that is some lovely photo double exposure. Atomic blast and radioactive bunny! Joy!

Pete said...

A be-oo-tiful picture, to be sure.