Thursday, March 13, 2008

George Miller Announces 'Mad Max' As First Game From Creative Alliance With God of War II Director Cory Barlog


Pete said...

A game comparable to 'Carmageddon 2', perhaps?
That was really the first free-roaming game that I played, personally.

Robert Martin said...

yah what ever game they make out of mad max it better be free roaming.

Mr. Alex said...

They could just rip off a Fallout game, label it as 'Mad Max' and use it to print money. Hell, I wouldn't mind if they did. All the Fallout games thus far have been very good. I even enjoyed Fallout:Tactics until the later parts of the game where they suddenly shoehorn the player into fighting almost indestructible lone units which can only be countered one way, thus eliminating the "tactics" part :-(

Robert Martin said...

the new Fallout game that is in the works looks much different then the others. its 1st person/3rd over the sholder