Tuesday, March 14, 2006


I had a blast the other night in the Shield Lands! I can't wait to play again. The good friar was a bit hungover though from all of the booze... er, i mean spirits he was in contact with! Thank St. Cuthbert that he aids the faithful in recovering the day after.

I really like the scene set in that first town, the models and the armor is so much better than in the 'real' game. I'm anxious to learn more of the history of the Shield Lands and maybe start roleplaying a larger story arc. If that isn't ready yet, oh well, i don't mind running around fighting off the encroaching goblin menace either! That was a lot of fun!

Oh yeah and Pieter Bruegel ( a.k.a. "tha Elda") rocks! checkout this painting of the Dance. I think his paintings are totally appropriate models for the Shield Lands Pete and I'm sure Pieter would have been into playing too if he was still around (is that a halfling and a gnome dancing in the foreground?)


Don J. said...

All the information for playing was posted in RE: the sandbox (also check the comments for more detailed information.) You will need: 1) a legitimate copy of Neverwinter Nights. 2) Both of the expansion packs. (You can purchase all three on one DVD for less than 20 bucks these days from your local retail software outlet or Amazon.) 3) The game must be updated to the most current version (1.66). 4) You then must download the entire HAKPAK that Pete has diligently programmed, this will probably be updated regularly and currently can be found in bite size pieces at the URLs posted by Chad in the previous post comment section. 5) The HAKPAK must be unzipped into the HAK folder of your NWN directory. 6) When the next date is announced by Mr. Peter Smith, log onto Microsoft Instant Messenger or preferably TRILLIAN to get the IP address for Teamspeak and the server that he will be running for NWN. 7) You are then ready to enter ar world of high adventure!

Chad said...

I had a blast on sunday and look forward to playing in the future. I'll even try to keep my wolf from eating the little people.

bob mentioned having a mac. that won't conflict with online gaming will it?

Pete said...

Sorry I was incommunicado yeterday and earlier today. I just got back from an interview at an architecture firm.

The Vault posted my hakpak Sunday night, right after we stopped playing. It's here. Even you guys that have this version may want to download these files, because this archive will put the requisite files in your "override" directory nessecary to access the custom heads and NPC voicesets at character creation.

Ryan, Did you notice that the loadscreens were Bruegel paintings? :)

Bob's having a Mac shouldn't hinder him from playing with us, I'm pretty sure they sell a full version of the game for it. And I believe Teamspeak has a Mac client.
Getting him the hakpak might be harder, because the Rar may not self-extract on his computer.

Alex, I'd love it if you'd help build. I trust your inner perfectionist. I'll prepare a document with directions on how to "hook up" areas to my systems, and a "builder base" module with all the scripts and blueprints nessecary to test your creations, which you will then export and I'll graft onto the main module.

More later. I have all day tomorrow to work on the Shield Lands.

Ryan said...

mac blows.

Breugel rocks!
(i did, of course notice the paintings on the loading screens.)

But the thing is Pete, he's got paintings of towns with lots of people milling about; peasants, guards, hunters in the snow, etc.

Shield Lands may need a random people populator like it has a monster populator.

on that note: Onward to victory!