Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Praise Billmon!

My favorite Billmon piece from this week...
For the true connoisseur of cynicism -- and I'm talking about myself here -- the past few days have been about as good as it gets: the political equivalent of an all-you-can-eat buffet at a Mobil five star restaurant. Everywhere you look, you can see mounds of mouthwatering hypocrisy, steaming heaps of juicy lies, fat slices of self-serving spin, and, of course, a bottomless tureen of hot buttered bullshit, fresh from the White House lavatory.
I would write something about my own life, but I don't think anyone wants to hear about the dark, brooding, empty spot inside I filled tonight by buying a seventy dollar jacket.


Don J. said...

I had also noticed that particular post and thought it was spot on. His editorial commentary throughout the aftermath of Katrina has been an invaluable antidote to Newsweek, Time, and CNN.

Pete said...

The emperor has no clothes.