I had good fun writing this last night. Usage instructions are in the script header. (Link.)
This was partially inspired by the Dasher Project (Link.), and some Paul Lansky tunes.
Contrary to the picture, this song is not on the 'Homebrew' album. Though that is a good one, also.
(Amazon link for the YouTube blocked.)
Edit: Terraria, tomorrow (Sunday the 29th), 11am PST/1pm CST/2pm EST/8pm CET. Connection details will appear in the comments. Edit: Terraria, tomorrow (Sunday the 5th), 11am PST/1pm CST/2pm EST/8pm CET. Connection details will appear in the comments.
Type: Corrupted Enemy
Flying Enemy
Environment: The Corruption
AI Type: Flying
Damage: 22
Max Life: 40
Defense: 8
Coins 90 Copper Coins
Item (Quantity) Rotten Chunk, Rate 3
Eater of Souls, I shall have my revenge on thee. I shall build way point forts throughout your corrupted land. I shall lay clay bricks and set wooden posts, I shall tend gardens until your corruption is no longer a blight on our fair land of Terraria. I will get my shiny gear back, make no mistake. You may spawn but you will find your evil pits sealed up, you may soar through the air in swarms of doom but my tower walls shall repel you. Be afraid Eater of Souls, my plans are forming and Boogaloo is coming for you.
I enjoyed this inspired talk about the history of 3-D display technology and its recent developments. (Link.)
The picture above is from the talk. It is a plaster model of an ant colony. It's like Rachel Whiteread's work, but much cooler. Proof that you should never compete with nature.
Actually, the extent of my dancing is bobbing my head appreciatively. My head will bob for the entirety of this song.
Let me engage in some armchair musicology:
Because of its proximity to an Original Impulse, I think the first 10-12 years of hip-hop are demonstrably better that its more recent incarnations, accounting for any nostalgia (not that I was there or anything). This is even more true about all of the flavors of punk rock. This ties back to our conversation last month about how our culture is in stasis or is ossifying.
This idea of an Original Impulse looms large in my thinking about art-making. It's definitely a useful lens through which to assess other artist's careers. Art-making is the single most important source of renewal and re-invigoration in my life.