Thursday, September 28, 2006

Lights Out...

"Whatever the cowardly political calculus going on here, it can't be emphasized enought that this is an historic bill that will be looked back on with disgust. Either it will eventually be repealed, in the way the Alien and Sedition Acts were repealed, in which case it will be a dark blot on America's history, or it will not be repealed, in which case it will be looked back on as the formal declaration that the American experiment in divided government and human rights was over. It is not an exageration in the least to say that if this bill passes and stays in force, that the America we knew, and that many of us loved, is dead. An America without Habeas Corpus, where the President can lock up people and have them tried in Kangaroo courts is not the America the Founders fought for and I will not defame their memory by pretending it is."
More here and here...

1 comment:

Pete said...

It's that time of the evening, time for unfounded historionics:
I think this administration crystalizes several over-arching themes of post-WW2 American history; that civilization's progressive traction has moved elsewhere, and that technology makes social/economic equilibrium impossible and encourages a paranoid collective to wage war on the individual.
Though, I don't think that the American form of representative democracy is a failure. I think it has been hijacked by demogogues.
We need to adapt.