Monday, May 15, 2006

Trashy movies

Watching schlocky movies is a prime weekend drinking activity here in the middle-of-nowhere. Recently, my friends and I have run across a few gems.
"A Boy and His Dog"(1975) is a good example of how really good writing can use the expected pacing and accoutrements of a B-movie, but surprise us with them. The writer is none other than Harlan Ellison, a fixture in the science fiction community. This one of my new favourite post-apocalyptic movies, and the bar is pretty high for those.
"Color Me Blood Red" (1965) is courtesy of the director who is often considered the progenitor of the slasher genre, Hershel Gordon Lewis. The premise is that Adam Sorg, failed painter, finds that a specific color determines if his paintings sell or not. Of course the color can only be that of human blood, and of course he accepts no substitutes. The movie has the same sluggish and somewhat dazed pacing of many bad horror movies. The artistic pretensions of the main character is what keeps the movie going for me. And, oh yes, the paintings are bad.

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