Friday, November 03, 2006

Vote please...

...even if you're just going to write in "Satan" like Bob = 666 will. Image via The Propaganda Remix Project.


Pete said...

Hot dog! I get to vote Rick Santorum out of office.

Don J. said...

I sent my absentee ballot in. Unfortunately incredibly mediocre "opposition party who oppose nothing" Democrats are the best that is served up.

Anonymous said...

It has ever been my pleasure to watch the process of democracy from afar.

To put an analogy to it that your feeble minds might be able to comprehend, I would have to liken this farcical process to a herd of cattle choosing a leader. Would the cows trust in the emergent strength of an alpha bull? The guidance of the wise farmer? The vigilant defense offered by the dog?

No, not this herd of cattle. They choose instead to select the cudstained calf with its head lodged somehwere deep in its bowels. He is, after all, a favorite of the farmer and the dog. The calf itself does nothing more than declare in puerile profanity on a regular basis, "Everything smells like shit. I will work on a solution!" Before reinserting his head into his rectum. The cows cannot turn their heads away from the grotesque display. Indeed, the sight is so compelling that they convince themselves that they, too, are threatened by feces, and of course the brilliant calf is working on a solution!

Truly, I should not approve of this, simply because it will make the task of consuming you all that much easier. An interdimensional being needs some sort of sport in the midst of his wake of carnage, after all.

Pete said...

Aaaaigh! I have awoken him by speaking his name! Santorum walks among us!

Don J. said...

Is this part of an early campaign of Cthulu for president?

Robert Martin said...

i dont want to vote. i will, but i dont want to. is it bad that i am going to vote for Arnold, cuz conan the barbarian is the best movie of all time.

Robert Martin said...

hail satan

Pete said...

Not anymore than voting Democratic might make me somehow complicit in the shit-storm to come. I going to, but maybe I'll vote my concience, and vote Green or Democratic Socialist. I think my vote may have more value as a protest vote... I'm waffling.

There was a good quote in the LA Times today;"the demagogue's secret is to make himself as stupid as his audience so that they believe they are as clever as he really is."

Pete said...

hail satan

Robert Martin said...

that is a great quote! pete

Pete said...

The person who voted right in front of me today was wearing camo, deer urine and a crew-cut. It took 45 minutes to get through the line tonight because this was the year our district switches over to electronic voting. I walked in the voting room and 2 of the twelve machines were actually being used, and each person was required to wait through a couple minute long explanation of how to push a dot by a name. I figure they deserve what they'll get.

Pete said...

Er, maybe that's a little off-the-cuff.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps it is, but your commentary is stimulating somehow, Peter son of Arthur. This may only be because of some bright and wonderful whimsy, some reminder of myself back when I was but an incomplete and unconcious idea. There are few rememberances more pleasant than that of hovering in the outer void, gnawing away at the very heart of Hope for sustenance before assuming a more appropriately powerful form. Ah, the joys of youth!

Repressing your disgust for humanity will only amplify your suffering in the times to come. Accept who and what you are, and be stronger for it!

Once you do that, you should visit Human Resources. We might find some special purpose for your soul.

Don J. said...

Cthulu has a human resouces department? Is it filled with those smelly toad people that live in small town by the coast in New England?

Pete said...

Cthulhu be praised!