As I have been trying to make some decisions about what Linux distributions and desktop environments to use going forward in 2012, I accidentally found this great guide for configuring and tweaking, as well as tip-top software recommendations in Ubuntu Linux. It is written somewhat like a junior high book report - very straight forward without the hysterical opinionated prose that fills up computing forums on a regular basis of late.
There are lots of screen-shots to quickly see and understand what is being offered, and there are loads of codes that can be pasted in the terminal to quickly follow the steps of the guide. Additionally there are ratings such as "Prerequisite and required" for things that improve the functionality of your desktop, and Windows equivalents named for software to get a sense what programs actually do (I find these things sometimes unclear with shortened package names and poor repository information). The side bar offers other posts such as "How-to Install Minecraft in Ubuntu" and RSS-feeds to an array of relevant Linux forums from critical security patches, to open source computing news, to various and sundry tutorials.
Edit: The Terraria Server is open a little early today, for inventory management and mining. I'll be around today (Sunday the 19th) at our normal time 11am PST/1pm CST/2pm EST/8pm CET. We're running the unstable trunk version this week, for extra kicks. Also it seems they may have fixed some issues we'd been experiencing. The world is backed-up. You may want to back-up your character files in '$HOME/My Games/Terraria/Players'. Connection details in the comments.
I'd wait until the 0.2 update to try it, though. This next update will bring rudimentary NPC interaction, and a number of other exciting changes. (Link.)
Edit: This week's Terraria game info in the comments. -Pete