Monday, October 19, 2009


Conceptual art can solve any problem, and Jonathan Keats saves the world from economic disaster. . .

“Economic equilibrium is upset by our unbalanced pursuit of material wealth,” explains Mr. Keats. “My plan is to offset materialism with modern science, by exploiting the economic potential of antimatter, which is the physical opposite of anything made with atoms, from luxury condos to private jets.”

Backed by private Swiss funding, his scheme will be implemented beginning on November 12, 2009, when the First Bank of Antimatter opens in San Francisco’s Monadnock Building, the location of Modernism Gallery.

The bank will serve as a hub for antimatter transactions worldwide, eventually financing the building of antimatter infrastructure and providing the public with a full range of investment opportunities. “But our first order of business will be printing money,” says Mr. Keats. “Cash is the foundation of any economy, and an anti-economy is no exception.”

via beyond the beyond

1 comment:

Pete said...

I remember one of Mr. Sterling's novels in the mid-nineties having privatized currencies that were traded by autonomous agents. I'm sure he's tickled by the bizarre behavior of the financial sector on the run-away train of computerization and global connectivity.

Not to be presumptuous, but perhaps the point of the art piece is that the recently collapsed (but not gone) shadow economy of mortgage-backed securities and other financial products are the anti-economy, more entropic than the universe itself.

Of course, the whole kit-and-kaboodle of post-industrial society is an entropic system. Economists have been worried about this for a while.