Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My Shameful Starcraft Confession...

I... I watch professional Korean Starcraft matches on YouTube :-( (Viewing in HQ is recommend so you can really follow what's going on).

For a taste of the BlipVert speed competitors function at during play, see this.

Next stop: Insanity!


Pete said...

gabba gabba we accept you

Pete said...

Have you tried Spring + Complete Annihilation yet Alex? I'd be amicable to posting a How-To...

Mr. Alex said...

I have not.

Feel free to send me the goodies, although I've been satiating my lust for video-violence with TF2 (now that they've added loot-drops the game is 150% more crack-tastic) and don't have time for much else with all of the spring chores I'm up to on the ranch ("FEEBLE URBANITES! BEHOLD AS I BUILD A FENCE WITH THE VERY POWER OF MY WILL ALONE!!!" *ZOING*)