*clanging and whirring*
Astromen isn't off-the-air or anything; several of us have just been busy participating in the "+3 Art Show" in Chicago. I'd like to formally thank our hosts, the participants and everyone who came. It was a great opportunity, and I was very proud of all of the work my comrades (you guys) made.
There are two Flickr sets posted of the opening party, from Ryan and Chad.
I am back in residence here at the Astromen; and will resume my normal sporadic posting pattern.
This weblog is really lame.
How would you suggest remedying said lameness?
That said: Pete, you need to start up a personal website to show off your work which I can refer folks to when they ask me what that Pete guy has been up too. All the rest of us have one. JOIN US!!!
/shambles off into the night
Pete has begun the remedy. By people posting things on the said weblog once again.
I was being ironic by the way . . .
Ahhh confusion!
Don't confuse me into pressing the big red button...
...the big red SHINY button!
I appreciate the interest in a website. Maybe I'll compile a public version of my private mindmaps later on in this project and throw it up on my company's webserver.
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