Friday, April 06, 2007

On the shame of using reference...

"Back in the late 80s, one of my first jobs was drawing the unauthorized comic biographies of rock musicians, which demanded likenesses of real people and locations in every panel. But even before that, I’d started a “morgue” of reference folders, each categorized and subdivided as required (”figures/ children/ perspective”, “technology/ industrial/ 20th century”, “architecture/ urban/ interior/ office”, etc). Each folder was filled with magazine clippings, photographs, photocopies and newspaper articles. The point being not to copy verbatim, but to inform decisions already made concerning any given composition."
...via Drawn.


Pete said...

Hmmm. Have you considered drawing over 3-d models in Painter, Alex?

Pete said...

Maybe you could make a comic strip version of your Tron idea.

Mr. Alex said...

As far as I know, Painter doesn't have an interface for loading and manipulating 3d model formats. That said, I find "new" features in Painter all the time I've never used before just by poking around...

Speaking of TRON comics...

Chad said...

has anyone used Google SketchUp? I'm curious.

Pete said...

I have. It's has a unique and easy to use drawing method that is geared towards simple models of buildings and plunking in furnishings and such. The full version runs about $500, I think.
There is a demo online. I don't personally use it because it is inhibited in drawing things other than boxes and stacks of boxes. And Sketch-up models do not have to get very complex to become completely unmanagable.

In terms of 3-d modelers. Blender is free, and I've been looking into it as a 3d Studio Max replacement for our office. For trees and people and things like that.


Pete said...

Alex, I don't think Painter is geared towards texture painting, either. Look for "UVW maps" or something like that in the help file.

I more meant using a bitmap rendering from a 3-d program as a ground or starting point to paint on.

Pete said...

Sorry I'm so inactive on here. The next few weeks are going to be very busy.