Tuesday, January 30, 2007
C:\>format c:

Sunday, January 28, 2007
This man...

Friday, January 26, 2007
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Washington DC, where hope goes to die...
"When you pressed them on any issue- poverty- healthcare- war- education- they would obfuscate, re-contextualize, and natter on and on in a bizarre washington dialect that has high on syllables, but empty of substance.
I finally realized that to them, this was just a job- like the marketing desk jockeys in their power ties that made life on the train nearly unbearable, these folks were in the business of selling war, greed, and lie after grotesque, murderous lie to the american public. They were there, not because they particularly cared about the issues that are so vital to the american people- they just saw politics as a big advertising agency from which they could retire at 40, and spend their remaining years serving as "policy expert" talking heads on CNN or Fox."
Brave New World . . . The Musical
A very simple stage design and props that were used to great effect, while incorporating projections to emphasize an updated "virtual" element to the story. The best part were the costumes: Alphas wore grey long coats and neck scarves reminiscent of 19th century London dandies with goofy hair sculptures, Betas were dressed up in garish pink corsets and heels that a Berlin working girl would consider tasteless, while Gammas and Epsilons were dressed in giant pants that if you looked close enough were made from the material they upholster the subway train seats with.
I have seen and worked on some wacky stuff in the theatre before, but this production surprised me to no end. First off it worked as a musical, more than anything because of the ever present irony, which is a lot coming from me as I generally loathe the format; at the climax John the Savage appears above and behind the audience hanging from the lighting trusses and catwalks; and I even shed a few tears when the World Controller flatly explained why his Brave New World works so well, ending with the statement (rough translation), "Freedom, Art, Shakespeare, and Bach . . . Who cares for such things besides you and I John?" Additionally, the house was packed on a Tuesday night and the vast majority of the audience was made up of 16-22 year olds that I gathered were school groups.
I am going to go out on a limb here and say such a thing could only happen in Berlin. I like this city.
"Das Leben ist Laa Laa Laa . . . "
Saturday, January 20, 2007
1 in 6.68 billion

Link to a Voronoi driven Java Applet.
Link to Swiss academics making a "programmed architectural object" using the Voronoi Diagram.
Link to a page about proxemics, the study of space between people.

This rendering of the logical conclusion of a technocratic civilization is undeniably imaginative. Its more nightmarish aspect reminds me of the 1909 science fiction story "The Machine Stops" (link to the full text).
There is a community in the Arizona desert who are carrying out Soleri's ideas.
Link to the Arcosanti Project website.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Black Hole

Thursday, January 18, 2007
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Mine with Extra Crippleware, Please!
The last few years have proven that every single new Apple product release comes with more invasive DRM controls than the last. Just because they have a smaller market share does not make their corporate practices any less abusive than those of Bill Gates' Intergalactic Redmond Headquarters (tm). This is a race for who can write the most aggressive software controls for digital media. Take this into consideration before you rush out after Vista or start integrating iTunes as an integral part of your music collection.
No wonder the Pirate Bay is looking into buying a rusty gun platform.
Just in case you were distracted by this from other news in our Brave New World . . .
Carnage in wave of Baghdad bombs
I am going to go paint now as I am drowning in frustrated cynicism.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
The First Distributed Republic?

Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Picasso is Punk?
Some slathering praise about the 100 year anniversary of the first Modernist painting.
I am just glad to read an ariticle today by a gushing journalist that does not involve Steve Jobs or a "new" military strategy.
via ArtsJournal.
Monday, January 08, 2007
Billmon is Dead! Long Live Billmon!
Here are some links to other web logs that amount to farewell tributes.
DailyKos is relevant since Billmon started his cyberspace writing there.
This guy has put together a well written goodbye post that is thoughtful of the impact, if there is such a thing, that one of the better political web logs is closed.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007