Monday, October 30, 2006

More cool Sci-Fi magazine covers...

...via BoingBoing. Again...


Don J. said...

I am at this time reading a whole bunch of recent issues of "Analog" and "Aasimov's" magazines that were airdropped to me either by Boutros Boutros Gali or my cousin, I forget which. Quite wacky stuff. The contirbutors and editors are very particular that there is a scientific/technological precedent to the stories and in "Analog" they actually go on to explain those concepts with additional articles clearly citing research sources. It is an interesting format and some of the stories are quite good, while others may be sound in sticking with the parameters of the pulp magazine they are a bit spotty in composing a story involving people or maybe have watched way too much melodramatic television.
I recommend the magazines, they fit in your pocket and are good reading while commuting, and I believe you can sign up for a subscription on the internet.

Pete said...

I read a lot of digest-sized science fiction magazines in Chicago. I got them at that great bookstore on Belmont, "Stars My Destination".